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DE BORD INTERNATIONAL INTERIM – Your Partner for interim management

As a leading company in the field of interim management, we offer customised solutions that go far beyond conventional personnel measures. Our expertise is based on more than two decades of experience and enables us to provide highly qualified interim managers for key positions in various industries and markets. Our systematic approach ensures that we can meet the specific needs of our clients and respond quickly to short-term challenges.

The use of interim managers offers companies a flexible and efficient way of temporarily filling management positions and successfully managing critical projects. These professionals not only bring extensive management experience and specialised expertise, but also the ability to integrate seamlessly into existing teams and achieve sustainable results. Our aim is to provide you with interim managers who are ready for immediate deployment and whose neutral and objective perspective will make a valuable contribution to the further development of your organisation.


What is interim management?

Interim management refers to the temporary deployment of highly qualified managers in companies to take on specific management tasks. These specialists, known as interim managers, usually join companies for a period of 3 to 18 months and temporarily take on management positions at the first and second management levels. The areas of application are diverse and range from bridging personnel vacancies to special projects such as restructuring, reorganisation, project management or the introduction of new programmes.

Interim managers are usually self-employed and bring with them extensive experience and expertise that they can contribute to various companies. They act with entrepreneurial responsibility and specialise in delivering fast and effective solutions at all times. Unlike traditional management consultants, interim managers not only provide strategic advice, but also take on the operational implementation of their recommendations. This makes them a valuable resource, especially in times of change or when faced with exceptional challenges.


Advantages of interim management

The decision to fill an interim manager position can be a strategic challenge for a company. In such situations, interim management offers a flexible and efficient solution that goes beyond conventional personnel measures. This specialised approach not only ensures that management gaps are bridged quickly, but also brings various other advantages.

  • Rapid availability: Interim managers can often be up and running within a few days, which is particularly important in crisis situations or for urgent projects.

  • Flexibility and adaptability: Interim managers are able to adapt quickly to the specific requirements and challenges of a company and can be deployed in various sectors and business areas.

  • Many years of management experience: Interim managers bring extensive experience in management positions, which enables them to make sound decisions and implement effective measures.

  • Independent and neutral perspective: As external managers, interim managers offer an objective view of the company's challenges and can make unbiased decisions.

  • Efficient problem solving: Interim managers are experienced problem solvers who are able to develop and implement solutions quickly and effectively, resulting in rapid resolution of challenges.

  • Integration and team leadership: Interim managers can quickly integrate into existing teams and motivate them, ensuring the success of transformation processes and projects.

  • Cost control and efficiency: Companies only pay for the actual assignment period, which enables flexible cost control. In addition, interim managers are remunerated on a performance-related basis, which increases their motivation to deliver results quickly and efficiently.

  • Discretion and professionalism: Interim managers work discreetly and professionally, which is particularly important for sensitive projects or strategic changes.

Sustainable results: Interim managers strive for sustainable results and, thanks to their experience and strategic thinking, can achieve long-term improvements that can be measured in concrete facts and figures.



Areas of application for interim management

Interim management is characterised by its versatility and adaptability, which makes it possible to offer tailor-made solutions in different business situations. The expertise and flexibility of interim managers make them valuable partners in a variety of scenarios. Interim management can be particularly effective in the following areas of application:


  • Bridging management gaps: A sudden loss of a manager or an unexpected vacancy in key positions can jeopardise the stability of a company. Interim managers take over these positions temporarily to ensure continuity and maintain management expertise within the company. They ensure a smooth transition while the search for a permanent solution is underway.

  • Restructuring and reorganisation: In the event of financial difficulties or organisational challenges, targeted restructuring and reorganisation management is essential. Interim managers bring specific expertise and experience in crisis management to steer companies through difficult times, optimise processes and regain economic stability.

  • Project management: Special projects often require specialised expertise and extensive experience. Interim managers take on this task as project managers and coordinate all aspects of a project, from planning to implementation. Their ability to quickly familiarise themselves with new tasks ensures that projects are completed efficiently and in a targeted manner.

  • Change management: The introduction of new processes, technologies or business models can be a significant challenge. Interim managers support companies in change management by leading the change process, implementing necessary adjustments and guiding employees through the change. Their external perspective and experience contribute to the successful implementation of change.

  • Company takeovers and sales: In M&A transactions, interim managers are often called upon to manage the transition process. They take on important tasks such as integrating new business units, coordinating the acquisition or divestment and ensuring that the transition runs smoothly and efficiently.

  • Start-ups and expansions: For companies looking to enter new markets or develop new business areas, interim managers offer valuable support. They have experience in founding and expanding companies and help with the strategic planning and operational implementation of new business projects.

  • Succession planning: The planning and implementation of succession in management positions is a critical process. Interim managers can provide valuable services in this phase by bridging the transition period and supporting the induction of new managers. Their presence enables an orderly succession and ensures that the company continues to operate seamlessly.

  • Crisis management: In crisis situations, such as financial bottlenecks, reputational damage or internal conflicts, interim managers offer fast and targeted assistance. They analyse the situation, develop emergency strategies and implement the necessary measures to lead the company out of the crisis and minimise future risks.

  • Process optimisation: Interim managers are also able to evaluate and optimise existing processes and structures. Thanks to their external perspective, they can identify inefficiencies and implement improvement measures that lead to increased efficiency and performance for the company.

  • Organisational development: The adaptation and further development of corporate structures is a key challenge in a dynamic market environment. Interim managers support the transformation of organisations, the optimisation of business processes and the development of a future-oriented corporate structure.

  • Digitalisation: Interim managers are also a valuable resource in the area of digital transformation. They help with the implementation of digital strategies, the introduction of IT systems and the development of digital business models. Their expertise ensures that the digital transformation is implemented efficiently and successfully.

These areas of application illustrate the versatility and added value that interim management can offer your company. We offer our clients suitable interim management solutions for precisely these areas of application in a wide range of industries.

Teamwork Brainstorming


Our industry expertise

Thanks to more than 25 years of experience in executive search, we have in-depth knowledge of various industries. Our in-depth market knowledge enables us to provide our clients with suitable interim managers who understand the specific challenges and opportunities of their industry. Below you will find a list of sectors in which we have particular expertise.


  • Luxury & Prestige Goods: In the luxury and prestige segment, brand integrity is paramount. Interim managers can fill key positions at short notice to drive strategic initiatives, strengthen market presence and ensure excellence in customer retention. Their expertise helps to develop market entry strategies in new regions and to react flexibly to unforeseen market changes.

  • Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG): In the dynamic FMCG sector, quick decisions and adaptability are crucial. Interim managers provide support with product launches, process optimisation and the implementation of innovative sales channels. They bring fresh perspectives and proven methods to increase efficiency and secure competitive advantages.

  • Construction: The construction industry requires precise project management and multidisciplinary skills. Interim managers take on important leadership roles in construction projects, optimise processes and ensure that deadlines and budgets are met. Their experience helps to steer complex construction projects and provide crisis management in challenging project situations.

  • Industry & Digitalisation: Industrial companies are often faced with the challenge of digitalising traditional business models. Interim managers offer valuable support here by implementing new technologies, automating processes and developing digital strategies. They drive innovation projects forward and help to implement digital transformations efficiently and successfully.

  • Life Science & Med Tech: In-depth expertise and experience are essential in the highly regulated life science and med tech industry. Interim managers support the introduction of new products, compliance with regulatory requirements and the optimisation of production processes.They bring in specialised knowledge to shorten innovation cycles and meet market requirements.

  • Healthcare: The healthcare sector requires continuous adaptation to legal requirements and technological advances.Interim managers help with the restructuring of facilities, the implementation of new IT systems and the optimisation of patient services.They help to increase efficiency and improve the quality of care.

  • Professional services: In the area of professional services, such as consulting and financial services, flexibility and specialised knowledge are in demand. Interim managers take on temporary management roles and provide support in the development of new business areas and the optimisation of internal processes.  They offer customised solutions to effectively fulfil customer requirements and promote business growth.

  • Public administration, foundations and associations: In public administration, foundations and associations, interim management is a valuable resource for bridging staff shortages and implementing strategic projects. Interim managers provide support in increasing efficiency, introducing new administrative processes and implementing reforms. Their experience helps to deal with complex organisational challenges and fulfil the public mandate.


Our network

Our strength lies in our extensive network of highly qualified interim managers who have specific expertise in various functional areas. This network enables us to offer customised solutions for your business challenges. The following functional areas illustrate how our network is structured and the advantages it offers you:


  • Supply Chain Management: DE BORD INTERNATIONAL INTERIM has a network of experienced supply chain managers who are active in various industries. These experts help your company to set up, establish and consolidate supply chains. They optimise existing processes, implement innovative solutions and ensure an efficient and reliable supply chain.

  • Procurement: Our interim procurement managers have in-depth expertise and many years of experience in procurement. They help companies to develop strategic purchasing processes, increase cost efficiency and optimise supplier relationships. With their independent and objective perspective, they contribute to making procurement sustainable and future-proof.

  • Production: Interim managers in the production sector have extensive experience in production optimisation and process control. They support companies in increasing production efficiency, implementing lean management principles and reducing production costs. Their expertise makes it possible to streamline production processes and improve product quality.

  • Quality management: DE BORD INTERNATIONAL INTERIM's quality management network includes experts with extensive knowledge of quality assurance and quality control. They help companies to achieve and maintain high quality standards by introducing efficient quality management systems and establishing continuous improvement processes. Their experience guarantees that products and services meet the highest quality requirements.




Team hands together


Cooperation in interim management

The interim management process at DE BORD INTERNATIONAL is designed systematically and purposefully to meet the specific needs of your organisation. Our structured approach ensures that the right interim managers take on the right tasks at the right time. The process comprises several key phases:


Needs analysis and candidate research

We start with a thorough needs analysis. Together with you, we identify the challenges facing your organisation and define the objectives of the interim management assignment. We analyse the existing organisational structure, current projects and strategic priorities in order to determine the exact need for interim expertise.

Based on the needs analysis, we select a suitable pool of candidates from our extensive network of certified interim managers. In doing so, we take into account the professional requirements, industry experience and cultural fit with the company. Our aim is to provide you with an interim manager who is ready for immediate deployment and delivers effective results quickly.


Candidate selection and contract drafting

The selection of the right interim manager follows a thorough analysis of requirements and candidate research. This process is carried out in close co-operation with our clients. The pool of candidates is narrowed down further in order to select the interim manager who best matches the specific requirements and corporate culture. Our aim is to provide you with an interim manager who is ready for immediate deployment and can deliver effective results quickly.

The contract is then drawn up. Together with you, we define the framework conditions, objectives, responsibilities and time frame of the assignment. Transparency and clarity are our top priorities. Detailed contracts ensure that all parties know exactly what is expected and how the success of the assignment will be measured. This careful planning creates the basis for smooth co-operation and contributes significantly to the success of the interim management.


Integration and monitoring

The interim manager takes up his or her position and is seamlessly integrated into your company structure. Targeted measures are taken to ensure that he or she quickly receives the necessary information and resources to work productively. Our team provides support throughout the integration phase to ensure a successful start.

During the assignment, De Bord International continuously monitors the interim manager's progress and achievement of objectives. Regular status reports and feedback loops ensure that the interim manager stays on track and any challenges can be addressed quickly and effectively. This phase is crucial for the success of the project and the achievement of the set goals.


Conclusion and aftercare

At the end of the assignment, a careful finalisation phase takes place. The interim manager prepares a comprehensive handover to ensure that all relevant information and ongoing projects are handed over to the permanent employees or successors. A final feedback meeting helps to reflect on the collaboration and identify lessons learnt.

We remain at your disposal even after the assignment. Aftercare includes regular follow-up meetings to ensure that the results achieved are sustainable and that the company remains on the right track. If required, we can also provide further support or plan additional interim assignments.